
Changing any of the form inputs will cause the list of events to refresh with the filtered results.

Event Series Un Arco Iris de Verduras!

Un Arco Iris de Verduras!


¡Únase a una clase grupal de WIC en Zoom!
¡Únete a la clase utilizando cualquier dispositivo inteligente siguiendo estos 3 sencillos pasos!
1. Empieza hoy mismo descargando la App desde Apple store o Google play.
2. Encuentra el día y la hora de la clase que más te convenga.
3. Pulsa el nombre de la clase a la hora del evento.

Event Series Eat a Rainbow!

Eat a Rainbow of Veggies!


Join a WIC Group Class on Zoom!
Join the class using any smart device following these 3 simple steps!
1. Get started today by downloading the App from Apple store or Google play.
2. Find the class day and time that works best for you.
3. Click the class name at the time of the event.

Event Series Infant Feeding 101

Infant Feeding 101


Join a WIC Group Class on Zoom!
Join the class using any smart device following these 3 simple steps!
1. Get started today by downloading the App from Apple store or Google play.
2. Find the class day and time that works best for you.
3. Click the class name at the time of the event.

Event Series Infant Feeding 101

Infant Feeding 101


Join a WIC Group Class on Zoom!
Join the class using any smart device following these 3 simple steps!
1. Get started today by downloading the App from Apple store or Google play.
2. Find the class day and time that works best for you.
3. Click the class name at the time of the event.

Event Series Eat a Rainbow!

Eat a Rainbow of Veggies!


Join a WIC Group Class on Zoom!
Join the class using any smart device following these 3 simple steps!
1. Get started today by downloading the App from Apple store or Google play.
2. Find the class day and time that works best for you.
3. Click the class name at the time of the event.

Event Series Infant Feeding 101

Infant Feeding 101


Join a WIC Group Class on Zoom!
Join the class using any smart device following these 3 simple steps!
1. Get started today by downloading the App from Apple store or Google play.
2. Find the class day and time that works best for you.
3. Click the class name at the time of the event.

Event Series Eat a Rainbow!

Eat a Rainbow of Veggies!


Join a WIC Group Class on Zoom!
Join the class using any smart device following these 3 simple steps!
1. Get started today by downloading the App from Apple store or Google play.
2. Find the class day and time that works best for you.
3. Click the class name at the time of the event.

Event Series Infant Feeding 101

Infant Feeding 101


Join a WIC Group Class on Zoom!
Join the class using any smart device following these 3 simple steps!
1. Get started today by downloading the App from Apple store or Google play.
2. Find the class day and time that works best for you.
3. Click the class name at the time of the event.

Event Series Eat a Rainbow!

Eat a Rainbow of Veggies!


Join a WIC Group Class on Zoom!
Join the class using any smart device following these 3 simple steps!
1. Get started today by downloading the App from Apple store or Google play.
2. Find the class day and time that works best for you.
3. Click the class name at the time of the event.

Event Series Un Arco Iris de Verduras!

Un Arco Iris de Verduras!


¡Únase a una clase grupal de WIC en Zoom!
¡Únete a la clase utilizando cualquier dispositivo inteligente siguiendo estos 3 sencillos pasos!
1. Empieza hoy mismo descargando la App desde Apple store o Google play.
2. Encuentra el día y la hora de la clase que más te convenga.
3. Pulsa el nombre de la clase a la hora del evento.