Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about San Bernardino County WIC services, take a look at some frequently asked questions below.

About WIC Services

For specific WIC sites’ days and hours, visit the “Locations” page.

Call Center days and hours:

  • Monday  7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
  • Tuesday  7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Wednesday  7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
  • Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  1. Bring the person you are enrolling; such as yourself and/or child. In the case of a child, the parent or legal guardian needs to be present.
  2. Current proof of address – anything that is mailed or preprinted with your name and address. If you don’t have an address let your WIC worker know.
  3. Current proof of income – any document that shows income for all adults living in the household.
  4. Medical information – WIC recommends that you and/or your child get regular check-ups. Please bring the completed referral form provided to you by your WIC office.   

At your WIC appointments, you will receive individualized counseling by one of our WIC staff. WIC staff will ask you health and nutrition questions and may require you to bring certain paperwork they will review. Topics discussed with the WIC counselor or Registered Dietitian may include WIC services, healthy eating and cooking tips, physical activity, infant or toddler feeding tips, breastfeeding support, and/or resources available in your community. You will also receive WIC food benefits on your California WIC Card. 

Yes, about every six months, your eligibility for WIC will be re-evaluated to see if you still qualify. This is called recertification. These appointments can take 60-90 mins. At these appointments you will be asked to bring the following:

  1. Your California WIC Card
  2. The person you are recertifying; such as yourself and/or child under five. In the case of a child, the parent or legal guardian needs to be present
  3. Current proof of address – anything that is mailed or preprinted with your name and address
  4. Current proof of income – any document that shows income for all adults living in the household
  5. Medical information – WIC recommends that you and/or your child get regular check-ups. Please bring the completed referral form provided to you by your WIC office  

However, if you are unable to visit your doctor, WIC can weigh and measure you and/or your child at your local WIC office.

Come in to your appointment anyway.  Your WIC office may be able to do the Hgb/Hct (anemia) screening using the Pronto device. The Pronto device does not require a blood draw and it is not painful.

Yes. Attend your appointment and bring the items you do have.

Tell your WIC office staff or contact the Call Center for an appointment at 1-800-472-2321.

To help you remember your next appointment, you will receive an appointment reminder with:

  • Your name
  • Your next appointment information
  • What to bring to your appointment
  • Contact information for your WIC office

You may also download the California WIC App for iPhone or Android phones to check when your next appointment is scheduled and what paperwork you need to bring.

WIC has flexible appointment times to fit busy schedules. Contact the Call Center for an appointment or text ApplySBWIC or SolicitarSBWIC to 1-800-472-2321. 

Call Center days and hours: 
Monday – Thursday: 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Contact the Call Center to reschedule an appointment or text ChangeSBWIC or CambiarSBWIC to 1-800-472-2321. 

You may send your caretaker, if you are not enrolling. WIC staff need to know the name of your caretaker so they can keep your WIC file up to date. Your caretaker must show their identification at the WIC office.

Call Center days and hours: 

Monday – Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Caretaker: A friend or family member who you trust. You authorize or give permission for this person to come to your WIC appointments. Your caretaker’s name must be listed in our computer system before they can use your WIC Card. They must bring:  

  1. Their identification (ID) to ALL appointments.

Parent Caretakers can complete initial certifications, recertifications, and midcertifications for infants and children only. A non-parent Caretaker is not permitted to set the WIC Card PIN.  

We encourage you to schedule and keep your appointments. To check specific WIC office hours, visit the “locations” page. 

Your information will be taken manually. Once the system is working again, you will be contacted about any food benefit updates to your WIC Card and future appointments.

The California WIC App

The California WIC App works with the California WIC Card. You can:

  • View upcoming WIC appointments
  • View your issued WIC food benefits 
  • Scan UPC barcodes while shopping for your WIC-approved foods
  • Find WIC stores and WIC sites in California

Download the FREE California WIC App for iPhone or Android phones by visiting the Apple App store or the Google Play store. Search by typing in “California WIC App”.  

Yes, you need to have your California WIC Card first before you register. You will have to put in your WIC card number before you can see your appointments, food balance, etc.

About the California WIC Card

All our San Bernardino County WIC locations issue WIC cards. If you have questions, please contact us at 1-800-472-2321.

Expect your WIC appointments to take longer than normal when you come in to get your card. If you can, allow for some extra time for your appointment. We thank you for your patience.  

No. New benefits are loaded on to the same card with the same PIN. Remember to bring your WIC card with you to every appointment. Keep your card in a safe place.

If a family goes to their appointment without their WIC card, WIC services can still be provided and benefits issued. Our computer system has search capabilities to access your family records without the WIC card. 

Yes. Family members on WIC in the same household will have their benefits on one card.

If you forget your PIN or you want to change it, you can call the customer service number on the back of your WIC card (1-844-4My-Family). 

You can also call 1-844-4My-Family if you locked your WIC card after four unsuccessful tries with your PIN number. 

When you come to your WIC appointments, your family food benefits will be added to your WIC card. The WIC staff will print out a Family Benefits List with your food balance information.

To learn about your eligibility for remote issuance of your WIC food benefits, please call 1-800-472-2321.

Use your WIC card at approved WIC stores. Find approved WIC grocers on your California WIC App or at You can also call the store that you are planning to shop at to be sure they accept the California WIC Card. 

  1. Use the free California WIC App for iPhone or Android phones to scan WIC authorized foods. 
  2. Use your WIC Shopping Guide for more information on what foods you can and cannot buy.
  3. Separate WIC foods from your non-WIC items at the check-out.
  4. Look over your WIC purchases to make sure they are correct.
  5. Let the cashier know you are using your WIC card.
  6. Use your WIC card first before using other forms of payment (Calfresh, debit card, cash, etc.).
  7. Swipe your WIC card and enter your PIN.

For more information about shopping for your WIC Foods, visit the WIC Foods page.

All cashiers should know how to process your transaction with the new WIC card. Make sure the store you are purchasing your WIC food from is a WIC authorized vendor. You can check your California WIC App for more information. If the cashier is having difficulty processing your transaction, ask for a manager.

If the system is not working, please use the California WIC App to find another WIC authorized store. Please call the store you plan to shop at before going. You can make sure their system is working and accepting the California WIC Card. 

Yes, please take advantage of store coupons and sales when shopping for your WIC foods.

The option to enable the California WIC Card at self-check registers is up to the individual store. Call the store ahead of your visit or go to the customer service desk while in the store to ask about using the WIC card at self-checkout.

If your WIC card is lost or stolen, you may:

  • Call 1-844-4MY-FAMILY or 1-844-469-3264
  • Go in person with your ID to your WIC office
  • Call 1-800-472-2321

When you are issued a new WIC card, it deactivates the lost card. Your Family ID number will not be affected.

No. You cannot shop in other states with your California WIC Card.

  • Save your receipt and talk to the store manager 
  • Ask for the names of the clerk and manager
  • Tell your WIC office staff
  • Contact our Call Center at 1-800-472-2321
  • Contact the State WIC Office at 1-800-852-5770 or email

WIC Food Benefits

There are five ways you can check your WIC food benefits balance:

  1. Download and check the California WIC App for iPhone or Android 
  2. Call the number on the back of your WIC card
  3. Read the bottom of your receipt 
  4. Get a printout of your food benefits at your WIC office
  5. Get a printout of your food benefits at your grocery store

Regularly check your food balance.

No you do not. You can go multiple times to the store to purchase your food as long as it is on or before the last day your benefits expire. Your receipt will show the last date you can buy your WIC foods. Your benefits will expire on that date at midnight.

Yes. Please separate your WIC foods from the other items you will be purchasing and let the cashier know you will be using your WIC card. 

If you are using your Fruit and Vegetable Cash Value benefits, put those items on the counter last. 

Tell the cashier if you want to put something back before the cashier gives you the final receipt. Ask the cashier when to swipe your WIC card and enter your PIN. 

You would have to call or visit your local WIC office to change your food benefits. Please call 1-800-472-2321 for an appointment.

Here are some tips to protect your WIC benefits:

  • Never share your personal identification number (PIN) or WIC Card information with anyone outside of your family, including grocery store employees.
  • Only use WIC benefits at approved WIC grocers. Find approved WIC grocers on your WIC App or
  • Regularly check your food balance on the WIC App or call 1-844-4MY-FAMILY.
  • Check for any missing benefits or anything that does not look right.

If you think your WIC benefits are missing or information has been stolen, please call us at 1-800-472-2321 or 1-844-4MY-FAMILY right away.

Breastfeeding Questions

View our webpage about Breastfeeding Support for more information.

Here are some articles about common breastfeeding questions and challenges.

View the article on Feeding Your Newborn.

View the article about engorgement.

View our webpage on Breastfeeding Support.

You can go to your WIC office and ask WIC staff for help with obtaining a breast pump. You may also ask for our Breastfeeding Coordinator by calling 1 (800) 472-2321.

En Español

To Apply for WIC or Make an Appointment

Call us or Text
ApplySBWIC or 
to 1-800-472-2321

Reschedule Your

Call us or Text
ChangeSBWIC or 
to 1-800-472-2321

Do You Qualify?

How are we doing?


WIC Locations

Barstow WIC
301 East Mt. View Ave., Suite A
Barstow, CA 92311

Colton WIC
290 East “O” St.
Colton, CA 92324

Fontana WIC
9161 Sierra Ave., Suite104
Fontana, CA 92335

Fort Irwin WIC
Building 1317 Inner Loop and Goldstone, Room 9, Fort Irwin, CA 92310

Hesperia WIC
14135 Main Street, Suite 250
Hesperia, CA 92345

Ontario WIC
150 East Holt Blvd.
Ontario, CA 91761

Rancho WIC
9507 Arrow Rte, Bldg7, Suite A
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

Redlands WIC
800 East Lugonia Ave., Suite K
Redlands, CA 92374

Foothill WIC
850 East Foothill Blvd. 
Rialto, CA 92376

Highland WIC 
1535 East Highland Ave.
San Bernardino, CA 92404

San Bernardino WIC
2035 North D Street
San Bernardino, CA 92405

Twentynine Palms WIC
6527 Desert Queen Ave.
Twentynine Palms, CA 92277

Victorville WIC
15247 11th Street, Suite 700
Victorville, CA 92395

Yucca Valley WIC
Dept of Public Social Services
56357 Pima Trail
Yucca Valley, CA 92284